Observation Report in MIN 2 Palembang

Classroom observation was conducted in the class 2­C MIN 2 Palembang on Thursday (July 16, 2009). Materials lesson learned is that sort number up to 500.

Before classroom observation is done, teacher form a group of students, they were divided into 6 groups which each group and prepare all things necessary for the learning process. As introduce the material, the teacher given by a picture or fhoto the flag ceremony and the vanguard of sprint participan to each student. Then, the student must tell the story what they find about it. Teacher can give the students some question, such as: “have all of you perceive line your friend when we perform of flag ceremony?” Spontanously, the student answered, “Yes, I have”. Then the teacher asked,”generally, how you line the formation?” Some of student answered: ”The short student in front of, miss.” The teacher give a question: “why the short student must stand in front of?” The student answered: “If the short student sanding in back of , he or she can not look and saw the flag or the ceremony of command. Then go tell the teacher about the line running race. Teachers ask “Do you participate in competitions run?” Students with the spirit of “never … when TK” Then the teacher said “try to see the images, competition, each participant has the number of participants is different, do you know where the number of large and small “(while showing pictures running race participants). Students observe a moment and then the image of teachers to answer questions correctly (going discussion among students). “The children we now sort 1-500 number.” Teachers distribute the activity sheet 1 and the card number to each student in each group.

Students observe a moment and then the image of teachers to answer questions correctly (going discussion among students). “The children we now sort 1-500 number.” Teachers distribute the activity sheet 1 and the card number to each student in each group. Students are very enthusiastic about receiving a card from the teacher and try to identify the number of obtaining, a spontaneous student said “I can card number two hundred twenty-one ..” (while the number of cards that have in her hand). Teachers ask one group to demonstrasion any activities in the activity sheets, and other students was observed their friends. Then students perform all activities in the activity sheet 1. At the end of the activity, teachers ask each student to sort the cards in obtaining the board of the smallest. Each student is very enthusiastic forward to next class to hang obtaining the card number. For individual training, training of teachers share 1 to each student. Students requested the exercise 1.

The atmosphere of the class come alive when teachers and students to apply PMRI can sort 1-500 number from the smallest or vice versa in a way that’s meaningful because it is associated with the daily life of students and rows of flag ceremony participants race run. Card numbers can be used as tools in learning so that students can memaknai how to sort numbers 1-500. Based on discussions with the class teacher, learning mathematics should be to always use the following tools that match the day-to-day life of students so that students will always be active.

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